Our Layaway Plan
You know that 2020 Armor can help you grow your school’s revenue and you’re excited to get started. But you don’t have all the money upfront.
No problem.
We have an interest free Layaway program where you can break your payments into what you can manage on a monthly basis. To get started you have to put down a one time fee of $20 dollars. Then you decide your payment size and it comes out on a monthly basis. When you finish your payments you get your order and can start making your investment back immediately.
Sound good? Let’s get started.
The Right Order for You
First you need to know many units your school needs. We made this handy guide to help you make your decision.
A key consideration for your order is making sure you get the right amount of video game scoring vests in the sizes that best suit your student population and what you’re hoping to achieve. We’re always available in the chat to provide advice and help you reach your goals.
“Buying 2-6 Vests (Unit Price: $549.50)
We know that for school owners you get the most value out of purchasing 2020 Armor when you at least get a set. With just one video game scoring vest you aren’t getting the full experience for your students. With a set your students can play all the two player games and you can experiment a little with what a sparring match might feel like.
What You Can Do with 2-4 Units of 2020 Armor
- You can superpower your recruitment events to get students who weren’t interested in martial arts before to stop by your booth and begin taking lessons at your school. Read this article to learn how you can turn those line ups to
- Put the armor on heavy bags to engage a larger class. Provide your students with instant feedback to give them a baseline for their progress and give them regular social reinforcement.
- Use for their free introductory class to give incoming students confidence they can learn martial arts.
- Play 2 player games to get your class excited for training.
- Experiment with sparring matches to get your kids more comfortable
- Try out in game reality mode and create new recruitment videos for your school that your students will share and watch the referrals roll in.
With 4-6 Units You Can Teach a Class of Between 11-15
- 4-6 can be used for a regular sparring class because most schools only have room for a few matches at a time.
- Scrimmages at in-school events
- Hold small in school tournaments for revenue creation
- Do everything listed above in the 2-4 unit example.
For “Getting Started” orders we have provided you with three example pricing tiers ($250, $350, $549) and explain how long it will take to get 2,4 and 6 unit orders.
Monthly Payment Size: $250 per Month
2 Units = 4.3 Months (No free shipping)
4 Units = 8.7 months (Free Shipping)
6 Units: 13.1 months (Free Shipping)
Monthly Payment Size: $350 per Month
2 Units=3.14 months (No Free Shipping)
4 Units= 6.28 months (Free Shipping)
6 Units: 9.42 months (Free Shipping)
Monthly Payment Size: $549 per month
2 Units= 2 Months (No Free Shipping)
4=4 Months ( Free Shipping)
6 Units: 6 Months (Free Shipping)
16-25 Students: 8+ Units = $537.50 per Unit
For larger schools you want at minimum to have 1 chest guard for every three students in your individual classes. You also have to be aware that you’ll need different sizes for students of different ages and builds. Here are some quick advantages to making a larger order:
- Discounted prices
- Engage more of the class at once
- Keep 2 on the bags all the time
- More people can use them (different sizes)
- Re-sell opportunity to your students and make them more engaged in their training
- Larger In House Tournaments that will make more money. Throw inter-school tournaments and create even more excitement.
- All of the benefits of previous sized orders
Monthly Payment Size: $500
8 Units = 8.6 Months (No free shipping)
12 UNITS = 12.9 months (Free Shipping)
16 Units: 17.2 Months (Free Shipping)
Monthly Payment Size: $750
8 Units= 5.7 months (No Free Shipping)
12 Units= 8.6 months (Free Shipping)
16 Units: 11.4 months (Free Shipping)
Monthly Payment Size $1000 per month
8 Units= 4.3 Months (No Free Shipping)
12= 6.45 Months ( Free Shipping)
16 Units: 8.6 Months (Free Shipping)
This story’s focus is to outline how easy it is to make the monthly payments and how you you can use lay-away to get your school set up asap. But we also want to show you how easy it is to use 20/20 Armor and make your school more money.
With 20/20 Armor we work with a Martial “A-R-T” framework. Our equipment will help you Attract new students, Retain the ones you have and Thrive with new revenue streams. For more information on this please go to 2020armor.com/art.
It’s also easy to make back your investment in just three months. Go to 2020armor.com/payback to get strategies on how to pay back 2, 4 and 6 Vests that work in the real world.
For more information on how to run your own 2020 tournament click here
You will learn how you can reduce your costs by 80%, make your tournaments run faster and give your students and parents a much better experience!
For advice on how to run your own 20/20 Armor dedicated classes go to http://2020armor.com/20-20-weekly-class-blue-print/
In addition to online resources we are always here to talk in the real world with our school owners. You can arrange a call for any questions you have with our team. We are available before your purchase to help you get the order that best suits your schools and after you make your purchase to make sure your revenue generating events run smoothly. We think of the people who buy our products as not just customers, but partners in our mission to elevate martial arts on a global scale.
Go our chat window and we’ll help you get started right away!