Make Sure Your Students Come Back After the Holidays

My name is Scott Granger and I’m head of Sales for 2020 Armor.

I was a school owner for a few years before getting into the martial arts supply business.

It was about this time of the year that the dojang started feeling empty. I had this overwhelming need to populate the mats even though most of my students and their families were still celebrating the holidays.

I also remember that this was a time of the year that hit my school pretty hard. There was always a family or two or three that overspent during the holidays and got themselves in a bind.

While I choose to believe my program wouldn’t be part of their budget cuts, they were paying me close to $100/month for my services. Cutting the TKD classes was a quick bandage solution. And once they quit martial arts it’s hard to bring them back.

You may be experiencing similar thoughts right now. And you are asking yourself, how do I ensure my students come back from break?

To steal from the great Bonnie Raitt, “Let’s give em’ something to talk about!”

Coming back from the holiday break, have a skills competition to get them pumped on training in the new year. Like a tournament. Sparring optional, but not advised. Instead, have stations with 2020 Armor that provide instant feedback on the great work they are doing at your school.

Try These Stations to Start:

  • A heartbeat station for stamina
  • A tug of War station where the students can compete against instructors.
  • A Golden point station- First strike is the winner.
  • *Power strike station
  • *Most strikes in 10 seconds competition

There are endless stations you can run. Give out medals to the winners (or any type of award). Or better yet, give out medals and a discount to bring a new student in (nice certificate-so it can be gifted).

Your set up costs and marketing costs should be pretty low. And you immediately give your kids the sense of accomplishment they need to stay invested in their training. You have both retained your students and created a great opportunity for referrals.

Your students will love it. It’s easy to go for families to decide to give up on martial arts during the winter financial pinch when the kids aren’t excited and talking about what they are doing in class. With 2020 Armor your students won’t stopping talking about what they learned at your school.

If you want advice on how to get the most out of your equipment or to talk about how to get 2020 Armor into your school send me a message at or open up the chat and start a conversation. Welcome to the year 2020. We are determined to make it the best year for your school ever. Can’t wait to talk to you!