How One Monthly Event Can Pay Off Your ATA Licensee Fees

Our monthly performance clinic allows school owners to pay off their ATA licensee fees with just one 3 hour event every month.
What is Our Monthly Performance Clinic?
The 2020 Armor monthly performance clinic offers an introduction to data driven training to your competition team while bringing in such much needed income.
This event is key to convert potential competitors to dedicated high performance athletes by connecting them to objective metrics for power, stamina and reaction time and making it a part of their monthly training routine. The performance clinic works as a check in on their performance and offers accountability. After all you want to prove that your students have improved. How do you know if you’ve improved if you can’t measure progress?
In this article we explain the steps you need to take to run your own events, how much money you will make, the ancillary benefits you’ll receive from the event and the support we offer to make sure your event is a success.
Audience: Competition team & prospective competitors
Scope: 2-3 hour event co-powered by 2020 Armor to be held one day on a monthly basis to the goal to improve fundamentals of sparring . We currently offer app games that in reaction time, power, and stamina. Our flagship Energy Scoring mode is a fourth game which involves strategy and sparring.
Core Objectives: Recover 2020 Armor investments, further develop competition team, attract additional students into the competition circuit by offering their actionable analytics and accountability.
1. Monthly Performance Clinic Pricing (Lab Fee)
1 - Pricing (Lab Fee)
1.1 - Presented as a "Lab Fee" for "maintenance" of 2020 Armor
1.2 - Current competition team = $25 per
1.3 - Prospect audits (guests potentially interested in joining team) = $5 per & may participate in workout but not 2020 Armor drills
The pricing for this is optionable. We have found that the $25 fee for the competition team is a good place to start. Clubs are generally charging between $25 and $35 dollars for the three hour training session. Pick a number that fits your community. If you live in an affluent neighborhood feel free to charge more.
2. Monthly Performance Clinic Event Schedule
2.1 - 10 minute light cardio warm up
2.2 - 20 minutes of static & ballistic stretching
2.3 - 10 minute calisthenics
2.4 - 10 minutes of agility & leg stretching
2.5 - 30 minutes of data collection (2020 armor REFLEX & HIT METER)
2.51 - Students in queue to use 2020 Armor to be doing kicking drills
2.6 - 30 minute snack/break time
2.7 - 60 minutes to END = sparring tactics & light sparring. If your school is not in an area where you are allowed to spar, you can play two player game modes for socially distanced competition.
3. Monthly Performance Clinic Requirements
3.1 - 2020 Armor vests (minimum 2, recommended 4+)
3.2 - School may want to have a waiver or consent form if felt necessary
3.3 - Students to be dressed in exercise clothing (no "peek-a-boo" clothing, males to wear either long training pants/sweats, dobok pants or may wear shorts if training tights are worn underneath. Female students may wear leggings, training pants or sweats).
3.4 - Spreadsheet/clipboard or existing software to record student metrics, 2020 Armor mobile app and gamer tags to record data from data driven training session.
4. Monthly Performance Clinic Revenue Projects
4.1 - Assumption 1: Minimum 29 competition attendees @ $25 per = $725
4.2 - Assumption 2: All 40 competitors attend + 5 prospective audits = $1025
4.3 - Assumption 3: Events held 9 of 12 months = $6525-9225 in new revenue per annum
So you can see how this plan can easily cover all of your ATA licensee fees in just one event.
The best part is that it's flexible and can be run on a day that you are traditionally not very busy such as a Saturday or Sunday. You can also do it adjust to maintain social distancing and even do it outside as the 2020 Armor doesn't need to be plugged it an outlet once it's charged.
Got Questions?
Our ATA representative Mr. Joseph Nguyen is here to help. He'll get on a phone call with you and provide the insight you need to make sure every event you hold with our gear is a success. We measure our success by making sure that you earn at least 3 times you initial investment.
Mr. Nguyen can also explain how you can 2020 Armor to dramatically increase your retention, attract new students and make your classroom more exciting despite social distancing.