At Home Training by 2020 Armor Partner Skillz: Lesson #1 Focus for 5-6 Year Olds

Section 1: Static Warm-ups 

  • Arms: Hold intermediate push-ups for 10 seconds – Raise your body off the ground with your palms, while keeping your knees, hips, and head aligned. Make sure your toes remain pointed towards the ceiling.
  • Legs: Hold squats position for 10 seconds – Lower your body into a deep squat position while your arms remain extended in front of you.
  • Abs: Hold beginner dish for 10 seconds – Raise your shoulders off the ground. Try to keep your feet together and try not to bend your knees.
  • Core: Hold beginner bridge for 10 seconds – Raise your body off the ground with the palms of your hands and your feet, as if you were a table.

Assignment Overview:

  • Today you are going to work on FOCUS. 
  • Here are the three FOCUS tips that I want you to practice today:
  • Keep your hands up when you kick.
  • Bend your knee before and after you kick.
  • Watch where you are kicking.

Section 2: Skill-building drill (Do three sets)

  • Math kicks: You will solve a simple math problem given to you on a flash card and then do front kicks equal to the sum of the math problem. Continue until you solve five problems in a row. 
  • Ninja kicks: Mark a small box with tape to stand in. Do ten kicks while keeping your feet in the box while blindfolded.  

Section 3: Passive stretches 

  • Hold bow and arrow stretch for 10 seconds – Cross one arm across your body. Use the opposite arm to hold it to your chest locking arms at the elbows or slightly higher.
  • Hold backbend for 10 seconds – Stand with feet wide apart. Place hands on your hips. Keeping your head up, bend as far back as you can without falling over.
  • Hold front leans for 10 seconds – Stand with feet together. Exhale out as you slowly lean forward. Do not reach for your toes, simple let your body hang while stretching your Back, Hamstrings, and Calves.
  • Hold middle splits for 10 seconds – From a standing position place hands on the floor. Slowly slide your feet out to the sides. Stop when your knees start to bend.

For more information on all the amazing things that Skillz Connect are doing for martial arts schools across the world please go to their website and discover how they can help your school.

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